
Glassman Wealth Tackles the Midterms

Wondering how the upcoming midterm elections might impact your portfolio? Glassman Wealth recently hosted a conversation with Greg Valliere, a political analyst and Chief U.S. Policy Strategist at AGF Investments.…

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COVID Changes Everything About Inflation Expectations

This article was originally published on Forbes on December 2, 2020.   The US Government has been spending and printing a lot of money to help stabilize the economy during…

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The Biden Trade Just Became Irrelevant

This article was originally published on Forbes on November 12, 2020.   When a new president gets elected, and especially when it’s a close race that results in a change…

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6 Things to Look for in Obama’s Speech

I’ll be watching the President’s speech instead of the opening night NFL game and listening for several key factors.  In order to decipher the various proposals, I encourage you to…

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Buffett is No Bernanke

It was reported this morning that Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway is investing $5 billion in one of the worst-performing stocks of the year, Bank of America.  With the news, and…

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Advisers deluge investors with advice over debt crisis

Barry speaks with Lauren Young of Reuters about what the debt ceiling dilemma may mean to investors. Read more.          

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