Barry Glassman, CFP

Barry Glassman, CFP®

His vision for starting GWS was to deliver investment strategies and wealth management services typically available at the highest levels of wealth. Today, clients benefit from these sophisticated financial services targeted to meet their unique needs.

At Glassman Wealth Services, we advise our clients on a broad range of financial issues, as well as managing their investments. We think it’s just as important because clients make critical financial decisions for their families all the time. Many of these issues are complicated and they rely on us to provide answers and resources.

One area that clients seem to overlook is creating basic estate planning documents. They are not alone as 50% of Americans with children and 41% of baby boomers (age 55-64) don’t have a will, according to a survey from If you don’t have a will, your state will decide who gets your money and it may not be the people you have in mind.

In his article for WTOP, Barry Glassman talks more about wills and three important documents that will help you to stay in control of your money and medical decisions even if you become unable to make those decisions for yourself.

Like a will, most people don’t have these documents in place. Without them, you could unwittingly leave money to someone that you designated as a beneficiary a long time ago, but would not choose now; leave the state to decide who will manage your financial affairs if you can’t do that for yourself; and cause loved ones to make critical medical decisions on your behalf if you have not specified this in writing. That’s a lot of very important loose ends.

What are these critical estate planning documents? Read Barry’s WTOP article to learn what you need to do now.