Travis Russell

How Much Does a Financial Advisor (Planner) Cost?

At some point, many people come to a place where they need to hire professional help, especially when it comes to managing their wealth and future. For those who don’t…

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Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA: Which is Best for You?

Saving for retirement shouldn’t be complicated, but with so many retirement savings options, from 401ks to IRAs and more, knowing the best way to save can be confusing. How much…

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Best Ways to Know if You’re Hiring a Top Financial Advisor

Best Ways to Know if You’re Hiring a Top Financial Advisor

Whether you are looking to change financial advisors or have decided to handover managing your family’s assets to a professional, how you approach the vetting process is crucial to hiring…

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Investment Advisor vs. Financial Planner: Which is the Best Choice for You?

We recently had a client ask us what the difference was between an Investment Advisor and a Financial Planner. It’s a great question because people in the financial services industry…

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