U.S. Debt Facts You Need to Know

The following debt facts were published in an article by Jill Schlesinger of CBS Money Watch in February 2012. They are an excellent recap of our nation’s debt from 1791 to now. Read…

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Who in Washington is Responsible for the U.S. Debt?

Great infographic from Fast Company of the presidents and parties in power since 1940 and the debt during their time in Washington.                …

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Record Corporate Profits Signal Economic Improvement

Last week, corporate profitability was added to the third revision of third quarter GDP growth and not surprisingly, corporate profits were up more than 28% from the same point one…

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The Incredibly Resilient American Consumer

One of the most disheartening aspects of the past several years was the abysmal state of consumer finances heading into the recession.  In the first quarter of 2008, the personal…

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