
The 5 Reasons Inflation Is Falling

The past year has been a rough time for the American consumer. The specter of inflation, which had not reared its ugly head in the official numbers since the early…

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Consumers Not Ready For Another Credit Binge

Last week, two key reports on the state of the financial and consumer sectors were released. By all accounts, the consumer deleveraging cycle remains intact, despite an apparent willingness on…

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Will Consumers Power our Economic Engine in 2012?

Consumers are an integral cog in the American economic engine, but since the financial crisis hit its crescendo, consumers have been under high attack. By most traditional measures, the economy…

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Grumbling Over Higher Gas Prices

Despite the selloff in crude oil futures, retail gas prices continue to head higher. Behind the ongoing rise is a multi-faceted problem that is unlikely to resolve itself in the…

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Budding Inflation Concerns

While it is difficult to argue that inflation is officially a concern for the US, there is no doubt that inflation is heading higher. In each of the past three…

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Beware The Commodity Costs of March

It should be no surprise to consumers that crude oil prices have a strong impact on day to day gasoline prices, but that relationship has not always been as strong…

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