
Will Consumers Power our Economic Engine in 2012?

Consumers are an integral cog in the American economic engine, but since the financial crisis hit its crescendo, consumers have been under high attack. By most traditional measures, the economy…

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Advisers deluge investors with advice over debt crisis

Barry speaks with Lauren Young of Reuters about what the debt ceiling dilemma may mean to investors. Read more.          

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Consumers Decide Enough is Enough

Questions about why the recovery is so slow have cropped up lately.  Economists and strategists alike are baffled by the sluggish nature of this recovery, particularly considering our previous experiences…

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Some Economic Improvement

Consumer data entered the fray last week to mixed results.  Personal income was up 0.3% in May, but concerns about the stagnating recovery resulted in no gains to personal spending. …

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The Incredibly Resilient American Consumer

One of the most disheartening aspects of the past several years was the abysmal state of consumer finances heading into the recession.  In the first quarter of 2008, the personal…

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