Barry Glassman, CFP

Barry Glassman, CFP®

His vision for starting GWS was to deliver investment strategies and wealth management services typically available at the highest levels of wealth. Today, clients benefit from these sophisticated financial services targeted to meet their unique needs.

This is one post in a series based on our “Tough Questions for Your Advisor.” Each post covers one of the important topics we discuss with our wealth management clients.  Today’s topic is:

How are you protecting my information?

Cyber criminals have a powerful arsenal of tools they can use to attack your identity and financial data. There are traditional email hacks and computer viruses, but increasingly, cybercriminals are targeting investors and attempting to exploit their relationship with their financial advisors. It’s critical that your advisor take steps to protect your information from these cyber threats. The good news is that some simple steps can go a long way.

Some actions that your advisor could consider include implementing a secure file-sharing system, encouraging two-factor authentication, and relying on verbal instruction rather than email communication for sensitive items.

Want to know more? Check out the rest of the posts in this Series:


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