
How To Give Charitable Gifts – And Avoid Paying Tax – In 2018

This article was originally published on Forbes on February 12, 2018.   There was a ton of excitement about the new tax law passed at the end of 2017, especially in…

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Variable Annuities: 3 Reasons Your Annuity Is A Bad Deal

Variable annuities are one financial product we rarely see clients purchase on their own.  The initial purchase is almost always done at the urging of a broker who earned a…

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Donor-Advised Fund: The Top Tax Move To Make This Year for Charitable Giving

One of the biggest questions we’ve received from clients recently is “What does Donald Trump’s tax plan mean for me?” With lower tax rates potentially on the way, many investors…

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Estimated Tax Payments Made Easy

As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” And if you own your own business or earn income from…

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Tax Planning: The best investment to make this fall

One of the best financial investments you can make this fall is to spend a little bit of time and a little bit of money to meet with your accountant…

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Cash Flow Solved With a Margin Loan: Why “Margin” Isn’t Always a Bad Word

Quarterly estimated tax payments or other large expenses can create cash flow challenges in situations where a client doesn’t have cash on hand because income distributions from their small business or employer are inconsistent.  These…

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Estate Planning Basics: How to Prepare When Meeting with an Estate Planner

One of the most important, and most dreaded, steps in getting your financial house in order is establishing an estate plan and understanding estate planning basics. It’s common to want…

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How do my taxes factor into your advice?

This is one post in a series based on our “Tough Questions for Your Advisor.” Each post covers one of the important topics we discuss with our wealth management clients.  Today’s topic is: How…

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IRS tax scams, phishing, and how to protect yourself

You just returned from a busy day at the office, when you receive a threatening voicemail.  Your caller ID says it’s the IRS, and someone filed a fake tax return…

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Tax-Related Identity Theft – What Is It and What to Do About It

What Is Tax-Related Identity Theft? Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information such as your Social Security number to file early in the tax season in the…

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