
Your Guide to Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs): A Thoughtful Way to Minimize Estate Tax

Imagine a family with a sizable net worth. They’ve worked hard for their money and want to make sure that every cent possible is passed to their children without being…

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Your Guide to the Donor-Advised Fund: A Powerful Tool for Charitable Giving

Many of our clients are passionate about charitable causes while also maximizing the tax benefits of their giving. If this matches your philosophy, then a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a…

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Your Guide to Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

As retirement approaches, it’s essential to know the rules governing your retirement accounts. One major concern for retirees is understanding Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and how they can impact your…

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How to Save Money on Taxes in Retirement

Why You Should “Roth” During Your “Trough” Some of our clients love what they do and could see themselves working well into their 70s. Others want to retire as soon…

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Don’t Botch Your Tax Return

There are few things more nerve-racking than receiving a letter from the IRS about a prior tax filing. You know the letter, stating you owe more in tax than you…

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5 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You File Your Taxes – Part 1

Should I do my own taxes or hire someone to do them for me? The answer to whether you can do something and whether you should do something may often…

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5 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You File Your Taxes – Part 2

What documents do I need to get started? Whether you decide to do this on your own or decide to hire someone to help with your tax filing, you’ll need…

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Which Is Better – Traditional or Roth Retirement Accounts?

One of the most common retirement planning questions we receive from clients of all ages revolves around traditional and Roth retirement accounts. In this post, we’ll provide some of the…

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Implications of State Taxes in Relocations

With an increase in remote work, business owners and their employees are taking the opportunity to relocate across state lines. But whether for work or retirement, what are the possible…

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What Do the New IRS Life Expectancy Tables Mean to You?

This article was originally published on Forbes on January 5, 2021.   New Changes for IRA and 401(k) Owners Likely Overhyped It’s been almost two decades since the IRS updated…

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