Original Infographics

The Gamble In Your Portfolio That You Might Not Know About

This article was originally published on Forbes on April 19th, 2018.   What if there was a bet in your portfolio that you had no idea you were making? You may…

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Currency’s Impact on Your Portfolio: 5 Things You Need to Know Now

For almost a decade, there has been a factor that has helped boost the returns for many investors. During the past 20 years, investors have steadily increased their exposure to…

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Debt Crisis – Japan

Anytime you have to redraw or resize a chart to accommodate one piece of data – a severe outlier, if you will – you have to talk about it. Since…

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2nd Home Mortgage Deduction – Which States Will Feel the Most Pain

For the majority of Americans who don’t own second homes, why should they care if the second home mortgage deduction is eliminated? With more than 11 million residential mortgages underwater,…

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Do Nothing Congress

Conventional wisdom would support the notion that the division of power between Congress and the White House should be healthy for the nation’s economic environment. However, the idea that our…

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The Yield Drought 2.0

With Ben Bernanke’s announcement yesterday that the Fed intends to keep rates near zero for the next two years, retirees and those who depend on income from their savings remain…

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