Eric Dunner, J.D., CFP®

Who Do You Trust to Administer Your Trust?

Selecting the person in charge of your trust At the time of your passing, or possibly even before (living trust trustee), the trustee of your estate becomes legally responsible for…

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Estate Planning Tip: Creditor Protection for IRAs & Beneficiaries

This article was originally published on Forbes on December 9, 2016. Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are great tax-deferred savings vehicles, but tax deferral isn’t the only benefit IRAs offer. One potential…

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Why Do I Need A Will for Estate Planning?

Jim and his wife had a falling out. During a lengthy legal process, their divorce was not yet finalized when Jim passed away suddenly. He assumed his house, bank account,…

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How to read your credit report

Many financial websites and professionals recommend checking your credit report every year as one of the best ways to live a healthy financial life, yet no one tells you what to…

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Creditor Protection for IRAs & Beneficiaries

Many investors are curious about how their assets can be better protected in the event of bankruptcy or lawsuits.  The Supreme Court has helped clear up this issue in recent…

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Estate Planning Tip: Creditor Protection for IRAs & Beneficiaries

Investors should know how their assets can be better protected in the event of bankruptcy or lawsuits. Thankfully, the Supreme Court has helped clear up this issue in recent years. Individual…

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Target-Date Funds – Is Yours Too Risky For You?

Target-date funds are not all created equal. We compare the risk and return of over 30 target-date funds. The results will surprise you!

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